Scoil Mhichíl Naofa

100th Day of School 2024

100th Day of School 2024

We celebrated the 100th Day of school this year with lots of different activities happening throughout the school.

The children investigated what the number 100 looks like, how to make the number 100 and explored different groups of 100 using a range of materials.

There was art work of 100 things, stories with 100 words, lists of 100 things you have learned this year, not to mention lots of activities in PE lessons such as 100 skips, 100 second walls sits, shooting 100 baskets in basketball hoop. The list is endless.

The Maths Council led the celebrations and ran competitions and activities at the different class levels. Well done to them!

It was a great day, enjoyed by all.

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Mount Hawkins, Athy, Co. Kildare, Ireland, R14XD86.
059 863 1794
© 2025 Scoil Mhichíl Naofa