Green School News
So far we have achieved Six Green flags.
- Litter and Waste
- Water
- Travel
- Energy
- Biodiversity
- Global citizenship, Litter and Waste
We are currently working on our 7th Flag Global Citizenship and Energy.
I hear you ask what you can do to help…
- Take part in our WOW (Walk On Wednesday) every week.
- Carpool.
- Keep the front gate a Car Free zone.
- Use a lunchbox or paper bags for your lunch. We encourage no tinfoil or cling film.
- Use reusable bottle for your drinks.
- Turn off any lights when they are not needed.
- Turn off all appliances instead of putting them on sleep mode.
- Use the correct bins for your waste and recycle as much as you can.
The committee work very hard in school to keep environmentally friendly
It’s up to you and me to make a difference!