Scoil Mhichíl Naofa

Exploration Dome

Exploration Dome

2nd class students visited Athy Town Library on Thursday, 12th December to take part in an event called 'The Exploration Dome'.

The children were greeted by a large inflatable dome in the middle of the library.

They were invited inside the dome where they were asked to lie down on the ground.

The entire dome then lit up and turned into a 3D cinema screen.

The children travelled through the solar system and then under the ocean to learn about the affect of the moon on the ocean's tides.

The children were amazed and had a most enjoyable time!

Exploration DomeExploration DomeExploration DomeExploration DomeExploration Dome
Feb 13
Swimming 1st and 5th
Feb 17
Midterm break- Closure Monday 17th- Friday 21st
Feb 27
Swimming 1st and 5th
Mar 06
Swimming 1st and 5th
Mount Hawkins, Athy, Co. Kildare, Ireland, R14XD86.
059 863 1794
© 2025 Scoil Mhichíl Naofa