Scoil Mhichíl Naofa

Microsoft Ambassadors complete their training

Microsoft Ambassadors complete their training

Our Microsoft Ambassadors are Ivan Calimutan, Mya Whelan, Juliet Wallace and James Mannion from 5th class. They have been working with Neeve Hyland from Dreamspace in Microsoft on a pilot programme.

The main idea of the programme is for the Ambassadors to work with Neeve to learn how to code certain projects. They then needed to teach other students and teachers how to code the same. They also had to attend some online coding workshops throughout the year.

It has been a highly successful programme. The children have learned so much and have been lucky enough to also visit Microsoft twice this year as part of a whole class project.

The coding they learned was mostly based on Micro:bit and Makecode Arcade. They also took part in some live coding events using Minecraft and were instrumental in making our "Safer Internet Day" a huge success.

They have now earned a Platinum award for their hard work which will be awarded to them in May.

Microsoft Ambassadors complete their trainingMicrosoft Ambassadors complete their trainingMicrosoft Ambassadors complete their trainingMicrosoft Ambassadors complete their trainingMicrosoft Ambassadors complete their trainingMicrosoft Ambassadors complete their trainingMicrosoft Ambassadors complete their trainingMicrosoft Ambassadors complete their training
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Mount Hawkins, Athy, Co. Kildare, Ireland, R14XD86.
059 863 1794
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