Scoil Mhichíl Naofa

Zero Waste Workshop

Zero Waste Workshop

5th class attended a Zero waste workshop with Envirokids at the town library.

The workshop covered all aspects of Zero waste. The 5 Rs Refuse reduce recycle reuse and Rot.

We also discussed the best to use tips for home or school, looking at our planet and how it is been affected and our local community how we can improve and help to improve our community.

We looked at food waste and how it effects our planet, Recycling the effects on local wildlife and more.

The children got to meet a crow who had been injured by waste injuring its wing. They were delighted to get to pet and feed him. This highlighted for them how waste can affect our animals and birds in our environment.

They were also treated to delicious cookies.

Zero Waste WorkshopZero Waste WorkshopZero Waste WorkshopZero Waste WorkshopZero Waste WorkshopZero Waste WorkshopZero Waste Workshop
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Mount Hawkins, Athy, Co. Kildare, Ireland, R14XD86.
059 863 1794
© 2025 Scoil Mhichíl Naofa