Making Scones
The children in Rang 6 (Room 14) are currently working on the genre Procedural writing in English.
Recently, they wrote a recipe for making scones and brought it to life, with the help of Mr. Walsh during the week.
The scones were delicious and the children enjoyed them with jam and cream!

Holocaust Monument
Sixth class went on a visit to the town park for the unveiling of a plaque to Zoltan Zinn Collis, a Holocaust survivor.

The Jumble Sale
The Jumble Sale made a very welcome return this year to Scoil Mhichíl Naofa.
The Jumble Sale was a great success and raised a total of €925.
Some of these proceeds, Rang a Sé have decided, will be donated to the local St. Vincent de Paul. The remainder will be used to subsidise some of the children’s extra curricular activities.
A big thank you to everyone for all their generous donations and for helping to support this event.
‘Ní neart go cur le chéile’.

Mrs. Molloy/ Whelan's 6th class went to visit 14 Henrietta Street in Dublin in December.
14 Henrietta Street is a social history museum of Dublin life, from one building’s Georgian beginnings to its tenement times.
The children had a great day and enjoyed their journey to and from Dublin on the train.