Scoil Mhichíl Naofa

Book Rental Scheme 2024/25

Book Rental Scheme 2024/25

Scoil Mhichíl Naofa Book Rental Scheme 2024/25

The Department of Education has once again allocated funding to provide “Free School Books” for all primary school pupils.

The funding this year will allow us to provide books, copies, and some of the additional stationary required from this year’s book list.

Items for Parents to purchase:
This list has been greatly reduced as the school will be providing copies, notebooks and
other small items to assist you and your child with the return to school.

You may at some stage during the year be asked by your child’s teacher to purchase replacement pens/
pencils etc.

In the meantime, you are only required to purchase what is on the reduced list.
which is distributed via Aladdin Connect.

Requisites payments are also advised via Aladdin Connect.

Any queries, please contact the school office.

Mar 13
Swimming 1st and 5th
Mar 17
St. Patrick's Day- School Closed
Mar 20
Swimming 1st and 6th
Mar 27
Swimming 1st and 6th
Mount Hawkins, Athy, Co. Kildare, Ireland, R14XD86.
059 863 1794
© 2025 Scoil Mhichíl Naofa