Scoil Mhichíl Naofa

World book Day in Ms. O'Rourke's 3rd Class


We had a very exciting day in 3rd Class today while we celebrated World Book Day. We began by discussing our favourite books and who we had dressed up as, we had DogMan, Isadora Moon, Mr. Rabbit and the Queen of Hearts.

After Sos, we visited the Book Bistro for a tasting menu. We sampled some books from our class library that we had never read before. It was a great way to find books that we would like to read in the future. We were served five different courses - the courses included Roald Dahl, Picture Books, Pamela Butchart, David Williams and Gerard Siggins. A lot of us had never read books by these authors before.

To end our day, we had some well-deserved DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) time.

Mar 13
Swimming 1st and 5th
Mar 17
St. Patrick's Day- School Closed
Mar 20
Swimming 1st and 6th
Mar 27
Swimming 1st and 6th
Mount Hawkins, Athy, Co. Kildare, Ireland, R14XD86.
059 863 1794
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